Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Start of a New Journey

I have always wanted to go on a mission trip or volunteer trip of some sort; I just never knew how to go about finding a trip that would interest me. Then one night I had the genius idea of searching these four simple words in Google, “Overseas nurse volunteer trip”. It led me to a website called Work the World. Work the World is an organization that provides overseas internship placements in third world countries. They have destinations all around the world from Argentina to Sri Lanka. The internship placement that caught my eye is in Tanzania, Africa. 

Tanzania is located near the world-famous Serengeti plains, the Ngorongoro Crater, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar Island, and the world-famous Maasai tribe. Tanzania offers stunning scenery, fascinating cultural excursions, and wildlife adventures.  Those are really nice perks, but they are not the reason I am going. I want to go because of the volunteer internship they offer in Pediatrics. By volunteering in Tanzania I will be able to see firsthand critically advanced diseases and pathologies enabling me to develop new skills and to better understand the progression of these diseases. For the last week of the internship I am going to participate in the village health care experience which allows me to live with a family of the Maasai tribe for that whole week, fully submersing me in that culture. Not only will I gain the satisfaction of volunteering, I will be able to accumulate knowledge I can use to become a better, more culturally competent nurse. Please follow me through this blog as I prepare, fundraise, and travel to Tanzania.